Closing Workshop VoteVerif and Starting Meeting STV

20-22 November 2019, University of Luxembourg


Wednesday 20 November: Informal discussions

Belval campus, MNO building, room 0245090

14:00-18:00 Discussions
Evening: Drinks @ Big Beer Company, Clausen (Luxembourg city)

Thursday 21 November: Symposium

Kirchberg campus, building E, room E012 (notice the change of room!)

10:00-12:30 Session I

Opening (Peter Ryan and Wojtek Jamroga)
Wojtek Jamroga: How to Save Democracy
Michał Knapik: Model Checking for Strategies in Extreme Epistemic Structures
Wojtek Penczek: A Short Overview of Partial Order Reductions
Marek Bednarczyk: The Search for Agents’ Strategies: a Distributed Way
(Coffee/tea 11:00-11:30)

12:30-14:30 Lunch @ Piri-Piri, Kirchberg (Luxembourg city)

14:30-16:00 Session II

Nikola Blanchard: Low-Tech Verifiable Voting
Sergiu Bursuc: Privacy vs Verifiability: Consequence and Contradiction
Teofil Sidoruk: Squeezing State Spaces of Attack-Defence Trees
Marie-Laure Zollinger: Voters’ Understanding of the Coercion Mitigation Mechanism in Selene
(Coffee/tea 16:00-16:30)

16:30-18:00 Session III

Damian Kurpiewski: Defection Detection
Ivana Vukotic: Formal Verification of Hybrid Byzantine Fault Tolerant protocols

Evening: Dinner @ Himalaya 1, Limpertsberg (Luxembourg city)

Friday 22 November: Symposium

Kirchberg campus, building E, room E012 (notice the change of room!)

10:00-12:00 Session IV

Peter Roenne: Practical approaches to privacy, coercion-resistance and receipt-freness in e-voting
Peter Ryan: Thoughts on dispute resolution and receipt-freeness
Oksana Kulyk: Human factors in securing Internet voting

12:00-14:00 Lunch @ Piri-Piri

14:00-18:00 Session IV

Shereif Eid: Verification and Correctness of Pre-Election Manipulations using Equilibrium Trust
Catalin Dima: Bisimulations for Verifying Strategic Abilities with an Application to the ThreeBallot Voting Protocol
Tools and experiences session: Attempts at formalization and verification of voting protocols
(Coffee/tea 15:00-15:30)